
My research path from the beginning and creating a research question, to the in-between of finding sources, and finally concluding my journey and finding an answer, has been quite the journey. Before my research, I had a general idea that pediatric nurses were faced with quite a bit of stress every day. I was not aware that there were so many factors influencing these stressors. To be honest, I wanted to research my question of, “how does being a pediatric nurse cause stress and how can we help solve these issues?” to see if this is the type of nursing I want to go into.

While researching, I found many reliable and scholarly articles about stress on pediatric nurses. On the other hand, I was not able to find very many scholarly sources about how we can help solve these issues. It was clear to me that people had started to think about this problem that was facing the pediatric nursing world, but it wasn’t becoming too big of a discussion yet. With the sources that I found; I was able to agree with my original hypothesis.

With every source that I found, they all agreed that pediatric nurses, some specifically focusing on pediatric intensive care unit nurses, faced a great deal of stress on a day to day basis of their job. Throughout my research I was able to conclude that the following correlations were positive; stress and job satisfaction, stress and death of a patient in an international location, stress and burnout, and lastly the relationship with the patient’s family and stress. I was able to include a source on how mindfulness helps reduce stress. I believe I have found many of the main influences of stress on pediatric nurses, but I am sure there are more. Therefore, I am going to continue to research to see if there are any more that I may have missed or that I need to dig deeper on. Below are four more questions I have in relation to pediatric nursing stress.

· Are international countries doing anything more for mindfulness or reducing stress? 

· Is this something that college students are aware of before they go into the profession? 

· Why do people continue to go into this type of nursing if they are aware that it is stressful? 

· Even though being a pediatric nurse is stressful, what are the rewards to the profession? 

Bye! (GIPHY)